segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

1º Ano – Aula de reposição – dia 24 de maio de 2011

Leia com atenção e traduza:

John: Mary, these are my friends Jane and Rose.
Mary: Hello, girls. I'm glad to meet you!
          And those people over there?
John: people are my parents.
Mary: And that boy and that girl over there?
John: The boy is my brother and the girl is my sister
         My sister is a teacher of English and my brother has a shop downtown.

2. Escreva em inglês:
a) Bom-dia: ______________________
b) Boa-tarde: ____________________
c) Boa-noite: _____________________
    (ao chegar): ____________________
    (ao desperdir-se): _________________
d) Adeus: _________________________
e) Até amanhã: _________________________

3. Escreva as formas verbais abreviadas:
a) I am = I'm
b) You are = _________________
c) He is = ____________________
d) She is = ___________________
e) We are = __________________
f) They are = ___________________

4. Escreva no plura:
a) This girs is my girl. _______________________________________
b) That boy has a new car.____________________________________

5. Escreva a ou an:
a) He is an American singer.
b) She is  ____ English painter.
c) I am ______ teacher.
d) This is _____ orange.
e) We have ____ shop downtown.
f) Paul is _____ intelligent boy.

6. Escreva no plural as frases abaixo:
a) How is she?
    How are they?
b) How is he?
______________ ?
c) I am well.
_____________ ?
d) You are a singer.

7. Complete as frases com palavras abaixo:
( a - red - are - this - am - is - who is - color is)
a)  This  is a hot dog.
b) What _______ the car?
c) That is not _______ window.
d) I _______ a dentist.
e) _____ this a newspaper?
f) The apple is _______
g) You _______ the secretary.
h) ______ Tim Foster?

8. Complete os espaços em branco traduzindo os demonstrativos:
a) Aquele é meu melhor amigo.
_______ is my best friend.
b) Esta é a casa onde moro
_______ is the house where I live in.
c) Aqueles alunos são inteligentes.
______ students are smart.
d) Este é um exercício fácil.
______ is an easy exercise.
e) Estas pessoas são especiais.
______ people are special.
f) Aquela é uma mulher muito fascinante.
______ is a very fascinating woman..

9. Escreva as frases no singular:
a) These bracelets are expensive.
__This bracelet is expensive.
b) Are these your friends.
c) Those churches are old.
d)Are those good stores?
e) These books are not interesting.

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