sexta-feira, 20 de maio de 2011

9º Ano – Aula de sábado dia 21 de maio de 11

9º Ano – Aula de sábado dia 21 de maio de 11

The history of America

The history of America

In 1620, the Puritans, a religious group, left England and went to the United States. They settled on the East Coast of the United States.

The Indians taught then how to plant. After the first harvest they held a feast to thank God.
It was the first Thanksgiving Day.

1) Translate the text up.

2) Respond according to the text:

a)     When did the Puritans leave England?

b)      The Puritans left England and went to
( ) India.
( ) The United States.
( ) Brazil.

c)      Where did the Puritans settle in the United States?
d)      Who taught the Puritans to plant?

e)      What did the Puritans and the Indians do after the first harvest?

3) Ask questions, using the word “when” (quando)

Follow the model:
a)      When the film begins?
The film begins at 7.
b)      _____________________________?
She comes to Brazil in May.
c)      _____________________________ ?
I go to school in February.
d) ______________________________ ?
The bus leaves at 4 o’clock.
They study English at night.
f)        _______________________________?
The baker gets up early in the morning.

4) Keep asking questions using “when” in time past:
a) The Puritans left England in 1620.
When did the Puritans leave England?
b) My team became champion two years ago.
c)      He became president last year.
d)      She ate her last meal yesterday night.
e)      I went to England in1998.
f)        I knew her last year.
g)      The company built my house 10 years ago.

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