terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011

2º Ano 25 de junho de 11 – aula de sábado - Information question with Who

Who goes to the movies every Sunday? – Quem vai ao cinema todo domingo?
Diana does. – Diana vai.
Who does she go with? – Com quem ela vai?
With Bill. – Com Bill.
Who went to the movies last Sunday? – Quem foi ao cinema no último domingo?
Diana did. – Diana foi.
Who did she go with? – Com quem ela foi?
With Bill. – Com Bill.
1 Translate into Portuguese this sentences:
Who is at the theater? _____________________________________________________.
Charles and Norman are at the theater. ______________________________________.
Who sometimes takes Anne to the movies? ___________________________________.
Steve sometimes takes Anne to the movies. ___________________________________.
Who met Tart at the club? _________________________________________________.
They met Gary at the club. __________________________________________________.
Who is watching a play at the Palace? _________________________________________.
The Wilsons are watching a play at the Palace. ___________________________________.
Who had a date with William? _______________________________________________.
Betty had a date with William. _______________________________________________.
Who goes to the beach every week? ___________________________________________.
The Watsons go to the beach every week. _______________________________________.

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