sábado, 4 de junho de 2011

2ª Ano - Plural of Nouns – aula de sábado do dia 04 de junho de 11

2ª Ano - Plural of Nouns – aula de sábado do dia 04 de junho de 11
Traduzir o texto para português:
Richard’s farm – A fazenda de Ricardo
Richard bought a large farm last year. He paid a lot of money for it. And now he is showing his farm to a friend that came from the city.
There are many animals on Richard’s farm such as horses, cows, oxen, pigs, geese, many sheep, etc.
There are two lakes near the house with many fish. There are also many kinds of fruit in the orchard.
Men and women work daily on the farm and do all sorts of jobs.
1. Escreva no plural:
a) This lady is my friend. _____________________________________________
b) Take the key. ___________________________________________________
c) I am visiting a wonderful beach. ______________________________________
d) She likes to see his photo. __________________________________________
e) I am visiting an important city with my child. _____________________________
f) The new watch is in the box. _________________________________________
g) There is a tomato in the refrigerator. ___________________________________
h) Is there a potato in the cupboard? ____________________________________
i) This lady likes to play the piano. ______________________________________
3. Escreva em inglês:
a) As praias estão limpas. _____________________________________________
b) Quem são aquelas senhoras? ________________________________________
2. Traduza:
a) There are many peoples in the world. __________________________________
b) Are those beaches dirty? ___________________________________________
c) Are their parents young or old? ______________________________________
Regra geral
a)      Forma-se o plural dos substantives, geralmente, acrescentando a letra s ao singular.
b)      Os substantivos terminados em y precedido de vogal seguem a regra geral: acrescenta-se s ao singular.
c)       Os substantivos terminados em y precedido de consoante formam o plural mudando-se y por i e acrescentando ES.
d)      Aos substantivos terminados em s, sh, ch, x, z, o, geralmente se acrescenta ES para formar o plural.
e)      Com exceções de photo – photos; piano – pianos.

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