quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011

3º Ano A – 09 de junho de 11 - Question Tag – Future and Conditional

If you have money ... you will visit Brazilian cities, won’t you? (if iú hav mâni … iú uil visit Brazilian citiz, uont iú?) Se você tivesse dinheiro … você visitará cidades brasileiras, não visitará?
You will go, won’t you? (iú uil gou, uont iú?) Você irá, não irá?
She would come, wouldn’t she? (xi úd câm, úden xi?) Ela viria, não viria?
He won’t come on time, Will he? (rri uont kâm on taim, uil rri?) Ele não virá a tempo, virá?
He wouldn’t go, would he? (rri udent gou, ud rri?) Ele não iria, iria?
They will come next year, won’t they? (dhêi uil kâm nekst iar, uon dhêi?) Eles virão no próximo ano, não virão?
You would buy this house, wouldn’t you? (iú ud bái dhis hauz, udent iú?) Você compraria esta casa, não compraria?
Complete com tags (future e condicional):
a)      They will come tomorrow, won’t they? (dhêi uil kâm tumorou, uon dhêi?) Eles virão amanhã, não virão?
b)      They would come tomorrow, wouldn’t they? (dhêi uud kâm tumorou, uden dhêi?) Eles viriam amanhã, não viriam?
c)       He will work in a factory, won’t he? (rri uil uok in a faktóri, uon rri? Ele trabalhará numa fábrica, não trabalhará?
d)      He would work in a factory, _____________ ?
e)      You will go next month, ____________?
f)       John won’t show the photos, __________?
g)      Mary would tell a lie, _____________?
h)      You will live in Paris, __________ ?
i)        She would need money, _________ ?
j)        They would read the book, _________ ?
k)      She will not marry you, __________ ?
l)        Jim invited Clara to his graduation dance, ________ ?
m)    The children were entertained by the clown, _________ ?
n)      He was innocent, ________ ?
o)      The bus stops at that corner, _________ ?
p)      You didn’t call the doctor, _________ ?
q)      We aren’t disturbing you, __________ ?
r)       The store is managed very well, _________ ?
s)       The newspaper didn’t describe the crisis, ________ ?

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